Sunday 13 August 2017

[Book Summary] Pocahontas (Little Mischief)

Pocahontas (Little Mischief)
Author : Leslie McGuire

                This book is written by Leslie McGuire and published Grolier Books in 1995. It tells a story about Pocahontas, a young girl who live in Indiana. She decides to leave home even though her father prohibit her, because a severe storm will approach and it will be danger for herself.
                The story begins when Pocahontas and her friend, Nakoma are going to find geese feathers. Pocahontas is going to put them on a deerskin pouch as a present to her father. Accidentally, they meet a young boy called Chamah. He was playing with a neklace with the chopper ornament on it. Pocahontas said that he is not supposed to touch those necklace, only the chiefs that can do it.  He defends himself that he found it. All of sudden, those necklace falls down into a bluff. That is a big problem, because if the necklace is missing, then the ceremony to keep their tribal friendship strong will be ruined. Then, Chamah is going to takea it back. He is more afraid of what would happen if he doesn’t get the necklace back. Pocahontas suggests him to go back, but he said he won’t go back untill he found the necklace.
                When Pocahontas and Nakoma got to the village, they search for Chamah, but he wasn’t back yet. She is worrying of Chamah. She wants to look for him, but her father forbid her to leave and ask for Nakoma to keep her stay inside.  
                Pocahontas make a run for the edge of the forest. She doesn’t stop untill she know she is out of sight. As she lost in her thoughts in the wood, she doesn’t notice that she is being followed by Meeko and Flit.  In seconds, the sheets of drenching rain poured down and the crack of lightning come. They are alone in the darkness and Pocahontas is cold and wet. Suddenly, she  found her way to the wise spirit of willow tree lived, Grandmother Willow is appear. Then, she build a campfire for Pocahontas and give her a suggestion to keep the fire going.  Suddenly, a tiny wolf pup come closer to them and felt the warm of fire. She is in pain, so Pocahontas decides to heal her hand.
                In the next morning, when they are looking their way to go home, they watch more and more wolves form a quiet circle around the willow tree. She is frighten, but  the wolves do not attaked them. Pocahontas has helped the wolf pup, so that they trust her and  lead them to go back to their village.

                After arriving at the edge of the village, the villagers are wearing their best fringed mantles and their necks are draped with shell necklace and feathered chains. She is wondering whether Chamah had returned. She meets her father and ask apologize to him. Her father said that Chamah returned last night and he found the necklace on a bush halfway down the bluff. Then, she tells her experience to her father.

Monday 8 May 2017

Ngrembel Asri, Tempat Rekreasi Keluarga yang Wajib Dikunjungi

Guys, bagi kalian yang berasal dari Semarang, pasti sudah tidak asing kan dengan yang namanya Ngrembel Asri?
Tempat rekreasi ini tepatya berada di daerah Gunungpati, Semarang. Jarak yang ditempuh dari pusat kota hanya memerlukan waktu kurang lebih 30 menit.

Tempat rekreasi ini dapat dikategorikan murah, tapi tidak murahan lho ya...
Kalian boleh masuk secara gratis, tetapi untuk masuk ke area taman dino, kalian harus bayar tiket dulu ya wkwk

Pada awal pertama berdiri, Ngrembel Asri hanya menawarkan fasilitas pemaningan. Namun, demi kepuasan pelanggan, sekarang terdapat banyak sekali fasilitas yang ditawarkan disini. Saya bahas mulai dari makanan dulu ya,
 Pengunjung dapat menikmati ikan bakar dengan nuansa alam yang kental, udara sejuk selalu dapat dirasakan disini. Terdapat 5 macam ikan yang disediakan disini, yaitu ikan lele, bawal, kakap, karper, dan gurami. Menu yang disajikan pun sangat beragam, seperti ikan bakar, ikan asam manis, ikan acar, ikan bumbu bali, dan ikan goreng. Tentu saja, ikan ikan tersebut adalah ikan segar yang baru akan disembelih ketika pengunjung melakukan pesanan. 
Tempat serta pemesanan makanan dilakukan di front desk yang dilayani beberapa petugas sehingga teratur. Hanya dalam waktu kurang dari 29 menit, makanan sudah sampai di meja pelanggan lho. 

ikan bakar ngrembel asri

Banyak sekali fasilitas yang ditawarkan, yaitu kolam renang, arena outbound, wahana omah kayu, kandang kuda, taman dino, ATV untuk anak anak, area paint ball, area target shooting, fling fox, dan sebagainya.
Area yang paling ramai dikunjungi adalah taman dino. Di area ini terdapat kolam renang dengan patung dinosaurus sebagai oranmennya. Utamanya kolam renang ini ditujukan untuk anak anak. Ada juga fasilitas ember tumpah yang tidak kalah seru. 

Ngrembel Asri selalu ramai dikunjungi pada saat hari libur. Di hari libur, Ngrembel Asri dapat menyajikan makanan hingga lebih dari 500 nota dalam satu hari lho, nggak kebayang kan gimana ramainya. 😃
Jadi tunggu apalagi, bagi kalian yang ingin merencanakan liburan bersama keluarga, ya disinilah tempatnya. Yuk di agendakan yaa....


Thursday 30 March 2017

[Book Report] For One More Day - Mitch Albom

            For One More Day is a novel that is written by Mitch Albom. He is an American author, journalist,  screenwriter, dramatist, radio and television broadcaster, and musician. This is the second novel that was published in 2006. It has been translated into 26 languages. This novel tells us about a family life, especially the relationship between a son and his mother.
            What would you do if you could spend one more day with a lost loved one? This is not a love story, but this is a story about family. Charley “Chick” Bennetto is a former baseball player. He had attempted to kill himself for many times, but The God saved his life. Charley Bennetto is a broken man, alcoholic, and his life is full of regret and destruction. He loses his jobs, his family was broken since he was a child. It forced him to decide which parent he most like to choose. He should decide which boy he wanted to be. Be a mamma’s boy or daddy’s boy. He picked his father, but later his father left his family and chick lived with his mother and his sister.  How difficult it was, to live in broken home family.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the trees.Like his parents, when he was being an adult, his own family alsodivorced. He was very disappointed as a father, because he wasn’t invited to his daughter’s wedding.
This book tells many experience of Chick Bennetto when he was a child.It also tells the simple stories about the time when he stood up for his mother and the time he didn’t stand up for his mother.
The most memorable story is, when his mother dressed him to be a mummy at the halloween carnival in the afternoon.  His mother used toilets paper to wrap chick’s body, because it was cheap.  Unfortunately,  it rained. The mummy was not a mummy again. The other parents were happy to take a photos  of their child, but not with Charley. He felt very shy, all of the people laughed at him. He said to his mother “you’ve ruined my life!”.
Charley felt desperate since his mother passed away. He was alone and no one support him on his side. He was playing baseball in a competition when his mother died because of heart attack. It was the reason why he always blamed himself.
Charley Bennetto died five years after his attempted suicide. The cause of Chick’s death was a sudden stroke at the age of fifty eight. A week before his stroke, he seemed to sense that time was short. He told people around him “Remember me for these days, not the old ones”. He was buried near his mother’s grave.
There is a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. Butm behind all of your stories, there is always you mother stories because hers is where yours begins.

Overall, this novel is great. The stories of Charley Bennetto remind me to my family, my parents, and especially my mother. The conversation and several incidents in this novel close to our reality in our daily life. 

Friday 3 February 2017

[Book Summary] Sherlock Holmes; The Hound of Baskerville

          This is the 3rd  novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle that tells about Sherlock Holmes, an expert detective in steps to solve many case. He had a partner who lived in the same apartment with him called Dr. Watson.

        The story began with the murder of Sir Charles Baskerville at the moor near his house, Baskerville Hall.  It  made  Dr. Mortimer (Sir Charles Baskerville’s friend) looked for Sherlock Holmes at Baker Street to ask for some help and advice to solve the case. He brought an old manuscript consistof  the legend of Baskerville. Holmes agrreed to investigate the case.

      Sir Charles Baskerville was a widower who lived with his servants. Both of his servants was a couple of married. They are Mr. & Mrs. Barrymore. Their family hadworked for Baskerville’s family during 4 generation.

        Sir Charles’s death was guessed because he was shocked when he looking the hound which ran after him. He ran for it, fraightened and cried out. Due his heart disease, his fear make he fell down and his heart disease relapse thencausing death. This incident was often beingrelated to the curse of Baskerville’s family. The curse began at Hugo Baskerville’s death. He is nobility from Baskerville family who was notoriously cruel, churlish and obstinate. He dead at the moor, together with a girl when he run after the girl who was made a break for it.

       The next target of the hound haunting was Sir Henry Baskerville, a Baskerville’s descent who  lived in Canada. He returned to Baskerville after his uncle, Sir Charles was dead.

        When Sir Henry arrived in London, Dr. Mortimer accompany him to meet up with Sherlock Holmes for talking about the case and problem. Holmes decided if Sir Henry wanted to go to Baskerville, Dr. Watson must accompany him. Because the situation maybe dangerous.

        Before going to Baskerville Hall,  Sir Henry stayed at the hotel in London.During stayed in the hotel, he found a gaffe. He waslosingone of his boots that was put  in front of his door. He also followed by stranger who had chin when he walked around the town. Holmes & Watson was tried to run after him, but it was no result.

         The next day, Dr. Watson and Sir Henry arrived at Baskerville. The atmosphere in Baskerville Hall was tight and not cheerful. When Dr. Watson walked through, he met Mr. Stapleton, a naturalist. His house was not far from the moor. On the way to the baskerville, Watson met Miss Stapleton. She admitted that she is Mr. Stapleton’s sister. She asking him in order Sir Henry back to London as soon as possible. In her opinion, Baskerville is too dangerous for Sir Henry’s life.

            An evening in Baskerville Hall, Dr. Watson and Sir Henry looked someone near the window.  He peered  at outside with brought a candle. Sir Henry sceptically walked up  to him. And looked! He was Barrymore. Dr. Watson tried to ask him what he was doing. Uneasily, Barrymore said that he gave a sign to a prisonerthat he would send some food and milk. His name was Seldan, a prisoner who lurk. He was Mrs. Barrymore’s brother.

       Everyday, Dr. Watson sent the report to Baker Street about what happened in Baskerville. This case was more complicated than others case because the murderer was a hound. Also the story about Sir Henry who was falling in love with Miss Stapleton made the situation more complicated.

              Dr. Watson was observing around the moor, he looked a boy was walking through the hut. After a few minutes, Watson looked  into that hut but nobody was there. A short time later, it might sound footfall. Apparently, it was Holmes’s footstep. Then, they talked about this case and the reason why Holmes  resided at that hut.

           Suddenly, they heard a dog’s howling that followed by shrieking. They investigated the source of that sound. It’s near the moor. A human corpse  found lie down wearing Sir Henry’s clothe. He is Selden, a prisoner.

            Holmes had arranged a plan for catch the murderer. He went to London for asking some help to his colleague, Lestrade. At night in Baskerville, There were two men in the dining room. Sir Henry and Mr Stapleton. Watson watched them from a far. Holmes and Lestrade  waited up near the moor with a revolver on their pocket. When Sir Henry and Stapleton left the room, Watson came to Holmes and  got prepare. A sound of quick steps broke upon the moor. The steps grew louder and louder. It is the hound who ran after Sir Henry. Some of bullet concerned to the hound and made it fell down. Sir Henry had survived but he was unconcious caused shock.

            Such as Holmes’s hypothesis. That hound was belong  to Mr. Stapleton that wilfully did a murder. That hound was hidden in Grimpen Mire, near the moor. No one knew unless Mr. & Miss. Stapleton. Actually, they were a couple of married, not a brother & sister. Miss Stapleton had lied to Sir Henry.

         The main murderer in this case was  Mr. Stapleton. Actually, he was the son of  Rodger Baskerville who fled to America with a bad reputation.


[Poetry Analysis] Where The Sidewalk Ends

Where the Sidewalk Ends
By Shel Silverstein

            There is a place where the sidewalk ends
            And before the street begins
            And there the grass grows soft and white
            And there the sun burns crimson bright
            And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
            To cool in the peppermint wind

            Let us have this place where the smoke blows black
            And the dark street winds and bends

            Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
            We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow
            And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
            To the place where the sidewalk ends

            Yes, we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
            And we’ll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
            For the children, they mark, and the children they know
            The place where the sidewalk ends

Analysis of the Poem
Where the Sidewalk Ends

            This poem is written by Shel Silverstein. He was born into a Jewish family on September 25, 1930, in Chicago. He was an American poet, singer-songwriter, cartoonist, screenwriter, and author of children's books. His book was translated into more than 30 languages. It has sold over 20 million copies. In 1984, Silverstein won a Grammy Award for Best Children’s Album for Where the Sidewalk End. Shel Silverstein passed away on May 10, 1999, from a heart attack in Key West, Florida.

            The setting of the poem takes place in two different locations. The first location takes place in the area called where the sidewalk ends. It is a beautiful place that is described by nice things, such as the grass grows soft and white, the sun burns crimson bright, the moon-bird rests from his flight, and the peppermint wind. We can see in the second stanza that is described by telling about the air pollution. It shows the place of industrial area which has bad condition that is expressed by the words the smoke blows black, the dark street, and the asphalt flowers. The time of this poem occur in a day when the sunset is coming because of the words the sun burns crimson bright. Crimson is a colour when the sun has been disappearing.

            In this poem, I use the anapest as the meter of the first stanza which is a foot of three syllables, stressing on the last one. On the second and third stanza, I use the dactyl which is reverse of the anapest and the stressed syllable placed before the two unstressed syllable.

            The pattern of the rhyme sounds in each line of this poem is different. From the first stanza, in the end of the line, it expresses the words “ends” [e], “begins” [ɪ], “white” [aɪ], “bright” [aɪ], “flight” [aɪ], and “wind” [ɪ].  It shows that the first stanza use the rhyme scheme “ABCCCB.”  The second stanza, in the end of the line is represented by the words “black” [æ], “bends” [e], “grow” [əʊ], “slow” [əʊ], “go” [əʊ], and “ends” [e]. The pattern of the rhyme in this stanza is “DAFFFA.” In the last stanza, there are four lines, which is in the end of the line it shows the words “slow” [əʊ],  “go” [əʊ], “know” [əʊ] and “ends” [e]. This last stanza also has the different rhyme scheme of the each lines, the pattern is ‘FFFA”. From the explanation, this poem doesn’t use the definite rhyme. The pattern of the rhyme in each line of the whole poem is different, but it has the similarity between the first line and the last line, as follows  “A – B – C – C - C – B – D – A – F – F – F – A – F – F – A.”

            The repetition of the words where the sidewalk ends, is used in every stanza to emphasize the main topic of this poem. It has the function to remain the reader about the place called sidewalk ends. He also repeats the words the chalk-white arrows go and walk with a walk that is measured and slow in the second and third stanza. By all means, he convinces the reader about the direction to the sidewalk ends without any doubt.

            This poem uses visual imagery. The writer tries to make us imagine how the place is with our visual sense. He describes the concrete things about the irony between the first stanza and the second stanza. The first stanza tells us about the description of the place that equal with the title of this poem, “Where the Sidewalk Ends”. It explains about the childhood that full of happiness and beautiful condition without contaminating bad things. The writer persuades us to imagine about the place of the sidewalk ends. It is filled with many things that most of children like it, such as the bright sun, the soft grass, and the peppermint wind. The opposite view comes from the second stanza. It shows the darkness imagery of the condition that far from the sidewalk. The writer tried to compare that the place of the second stanza is full of the pollution and there are no happiness in adult life. They live in the crowded place with many factories, industrial area, and distressing business. It also reminds us to look for the place that can make our mind to be fresh. The last stanza ensures that the adults will go to the place slowly and rest for a while from their distressing life. They will follow the direction to the place of happiness and pleasure. The last line shows that the children will be a guide, because they know the way where the end of the sidewalk is.

The writer of this poem uses some figurative language, such as metaphor, personification, and symbol. From the first stanza, the writer uses comparison to compare the place of the sidewalk ends with many beautiful things. The writer uses metaphor to make the readers imagine how the condition of the place is. In the second stanza, the writer uses metaphor too. The writer expresses the contrary between first stanza and second stanza. He describes a place with the comparison of many dark things. Personification found in the words the chalk-white arrows go and the smoke blows black. The writer makes the chalk and the smoke seem like they are alive and do the things like the creatures usually do. The writer uses symbols in this poem. The sidewalk is represent of the joyful place that the children usually spend their childhood for playing.

The tone of this poem is different for each stanza. The clues of the tone can be seen on the poem above, which is written by the bold font. The first stanza shows that the tone is joyfull, satisfy, and pleasant. It is different with the second stanza. The tone is contrary which is tells about the unpleasant condition, but there is a willingness to go to the joyfull place “sidewalk ends”. The last stanza expresses about conviction and optimistic that the sidewalk is the best place to go. It is strengthened by the words Yes, we’ll walk with a walk that is measured and slow”.

The central idea of this poem is about the representative of the childhood’s life that is very enjoyable. The environment in the childhood’s life is friendly, it’s not like the environment in the adult’s life that is full of the air pollution and crowded. The writer tries to remain us, as the adults to rest for a while from the distressing life. He persuades the reader to remember the happiness life of the children.

Based on this poem, I can learn that as a human, we should keep our environment from the pollution. The children can teach us about the happiness and cheerful. I think the writer concerned about the condition of that time that it was not as joyful as the condition when he was a child. Actually, this is the same as my condition. When I was a child, i can feel the fresh air, the nice weather, and friendly environment. I could be happy even if it was just playing with my friends in the favorit place in my village. I could be pleasant without thinking any problems of life. For the time being, as an adult, I feel I ‘ve lost the condition where my environment is not like my childhood. It is filled with the air pollution and the trees is very rare, because my neighboors often cut down the trees to expand their houses. Sometimes, I remember my childhood that is fulled of happines and I want to go to the place as like as where the sidewalk ends.

Silverstein's signature


Tuesday 17 January 2017

Pelajaran yang Dapat Diambil dari 500 Days of Summer

Selalu ada makna yang terkandung dibalik sebuah cerita. Sebuah karya sastra tercipta bukan tanpa alasan. Pasti ada sebab atau alasan yang melatar belakangi lahirnya sebuah karya. Tak terkecuali film ini.  Berikut adalah beberapa hikmah yang dapat diambil dari film 500 Days of Summer :

Monday 16 January 2017

Review Film 500 Days of Summer

What A Great Movie!
Itulah kesan pertamaku setelah nonton film ini. Film keluaran tahun 2009 ini baru aku tonton kemaren. Telat banget kan ya, hahaaa

Film berdurasi 90 menit ini menceritakan tentang Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon‑Levitt), pria yang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan greeting cards. Ia percaya bahwa Summer Finn  (Zooey Deschaneladalah seseorang yang selama ini dia cari. Tapi nyatanya berbanding